Monday, December 16, 2013

Best Candidate For Butt Lift Surgery

Who are  Good Candidates for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

The following are considered the best candidates:
1. The patients need to be healthy.
2. The patient must have an adequate amount of fats
that is suitable for transfer to the buttock.
3. The patient must have a stable weight. 
4. The patient must  have  realistic goals and expectations.

 When you have a butt lift at Urban Beauty Thailand, expect the procedure to last between 3-6 hours. You will be placed under general anesthesia with the exact method of surgery dependent on your specific body shape. This is why we urge you to contact us prior to booking an appointment so that you can talk to our medical team about your expectations and they can analyze your body and decide how to proceed.

For more information you may contact: 
Mobile Phone#:+66863764826

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post,its quite different from other posts. Thanks for sharing about Brazilian Buttock Lift.
